We have been at the forefront of marine fuel innovation from the start, balancing environmental demands and cost-efficiency. Building on decades of expert industry experience, we have quickly developed into a leading supplier of low sulphur marine fuels in the ARA region, and keep expanding in the Mediterranean. We will continue to extend our product portfolio going forward, focussing on biofuels and other renewables to accelerate the energy transition in the maritime sector.
Looking to power your progress AND decarbonize? Explore our extensive sustainable marine energy offering.
We offer premium marine fuel oils with varying levels of sulphur content to help you meet changing industry regulations. Our low sulphur fuel oils are suitable for almost any kind of engine, which makes switching between fuels easy and hassle-free. Our specialty? High-grade customized solutions.

Ultra-low sulphur marine fuel oils (ULSFO) are a specialism of Orim Energy. Recognizing the impact and potential, we started ULSFO (<0.1%) blending and bunkering in 2015, driven by IMO and EU legislation introducing a 0.1% sulphur limit for marine fuels in the Emission Controlled Areas (ECA) – North Sea, Baltic Sea and US East Coast and West Coast.

In 2020 new IMO rules cut the allowed sulphur content in marine fuels from 3.5% to 0.5%. Building on our expertise in ULSFO, we have developed premium VLSFO (very low sulphur fuel oils with max. 0.5%) that help you comply with industry standards – and maximize your profit.

We also blend, trade and bunker high sulphur fuel oils (HSFO) to meet the growing demand of scrubber-equipped vessels, that can continue to use marine fuels with 3,5% sulphur content.
Our high-quality marine gas oil (MGO) offering consists of a variety of grades, including DMA, distillate marine fuel. DMA, also commonly referred to as LSMGO or low-sulphur marine gas oil, has only 0.1% sulphur content and is suitable for most marine engines. This compliant fuel is known for its cleaner combustion, consistent performance, and ability to reduce emissions, making it a preferred choice to meet ECA-zone environmental regulations.
We continuously increase our ISCC-certified biofuels sourcing and supply capabilities to help you comply with IMO 2030 and 2050 reduction targets, using our blending and bunkering facilities, and building partnerships. Our efforts are focussed on the market for B30, a blend of 70% fuel oil and 30% biofuels, which is expected to grow rapidly, supported by new EU regulations.
Biofuels, especially those derived from waste and advanced feedstocks, significantly reduce CO2 and other emissions, such as sulphur oxides. Their production from organic materials contributes to reducing waste and efficient resource utilization. With lower carbon intensity compared to conventional fossil fuels, biofuels release fewer carbon emissions per unit of energy, contributing to a cleaner and greener maritime industry. Furthermore, biofuels are compatible with existing ship engines and infrastructure, facilitating a smooth transition to more sustainable energy options without costly modifications. And they have a positive impact on air quality by emitting fewer pollutants that affect human health.
Going forward, we will continue to invest in biofuels and develop joint initiatives to deliver ‘next wave marine solutions’, anticipating the growing demand for renewables to enable a sustainable tomorrow.
We also have decades of experience and an excellent track record in cutter stock trading. We collect our cutter stocks from Northwest Europe: clean bulk cutter stocks for blending by barges and other cutter products from the petrochemical and chemical industry arriving by truck. For reception and storage, we use our tank terminal in Rotterdam. While we use most of our cutter stocks to blend high-grade fuel oil, we also distribute cutters – to refineries and large bunker fuel blenders.
Cutter stocks are oil and oil-related (by)products used to thin oil. They are typically used to reduce viscosity to produce on-spec European fuel oils. But they can also be blended to reduce sulphur content and produce ultra-low sulphur fuel oils. As leading supplier for ARA, this is how we use most of our cutters: to blend our own high-grade marine fuels.
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